"Click here for complete info on submissions for Feb Competition"
by Print Collection
Monday, January 29, 6:30 PMPrints and print entry forms are also due Monday Night Jan 29- since we will not have a program at the club- You have 2 different nights/times you can bring your prints to the club
a. Print entry forms are still due tomorrow night Mon Jan 29- there is no extension time for this
b. print submissions-Larry Dunn will be at the club Mon. Jan 29 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm to collect prints from anyone who wants to bring them down. These times should give you enough time to drop your prints off and then be home in time to see the zoom program if you wish.
c. print submissions-Prints will also be collected Wednesday night Jan 31 at Creative Group night- Dana Patch will be there at 7pm-8pm to collect from anyone who wish to submit them that night. This will be the last opportunity to submit as they will go to the judge right away. Bring your prints and stay for the group night. In this session, Karen Hosking will demonstrate her Multiple Exposure techniques.
d. If you have an issue with these collection nights please email Larry directly-ldunnvt@gmail.com