"Food Bank Collection- Night Two- 6:30-7:30pm"
by Club Members- Dave Kourtz, MNEC- Coordinator
Monday, March 11, 6:30 PM

On Monday’s March 11th and March 18th from 6:30-7:30PM we will again have our Food Drive for the Lynn Food Pantry sponsored by Saint Stephen Church in Lynn. Currently it is families in need, more so than homeless individuals. The pantry has been serving over 200 bags of food to individuals and families per week. The need for single serving juices and fruits has lessened as more families are coming to the pantry. Club members have been exceptionally generous in the past, and we hope you can continue this tradition.

Option 1-Donate food directly at the club Mondays March 11th and 18th

Exactly the same as last year when so much was donated, we will accept any non-perishable canned or boxed donation with unexpired dates Please check your dates.

The most wanted items suggested by the pantry at this time are
1. Cans of fruits and vegetables
2. MOST NEEDED Medium size boxes of cold cereals e.g.-Rice Krispies, Cheerios, Wheaties
3. Canned fruits and vegetables
4. Individual and family servings of-cans of stews, chili’s, meatball and like items-example from Hormel or Dinty Moore etc.
5. jars of jam, jellies and peanut butter
6. Jars-cans of pasta sauce
7. Cans of chicken-max of 20 oz ok with this product

Some constraints we need to meet are-Donations must be ‘packaged, jarred or canned’ and the expiration date has not expired. Canned goods other than chicken should not be over 16 oz.

Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated, as the pantry now has to buy bags, as they are no longer allowed to use your donated used bags.Please do not bring bags.

Option 2-Donation via check
To make a donation by check
1. Make check payable to GLPA
2. Note in the message line-‘Food Donation’
3. Mail to Dave Kourtz, 64 Mooreland Road, Melrose, MA 02176

Option 3-Donation via VENMO Payment
We can accept VENMO payment as a donation. The address to this payment system is-@Dave-Kourtz

Option 4-Cash Donations
We-Karen and Dave will accept cash donations on the collection nights of March 11 and 18 at the club in person

The Lynn community has been so thankful for the support of our members who have provided food to the needy. We can all share in the pride of the generosity of the members of this club in support of our community service

Thanks for your support of the community and GLPA
David Kourtz, MNEC, Karen Hosking, Jim Gately and Ken Jordan, MNEC Coordinators