Gold Medal- Ursula Bruder, EPSA-Germany-Lofoten Islands- Aurora 4

Gold Medal- Ursula Bruder, EPSA-Germany-Lofoten Islands- Aurora 4

Silver Medal-Barbara Schmidt, GMPSA-Germany-Godafoss

Silver Medal-Barbara Schmidt, GMPSA-Germany-Godafoss

Silver Medal-Siew Thong Chu, MPSA, GPSA- Malaysia-Walking on Fire

Silver Medal-Siew Thong Chu, MPSA, GPSA- Malaysia-Walking on Fire

"Photographic Society of America-Photo Travel Image of the Year-International Exhibitions Judging-Open to the Public"
by Susan Mosser Coordinator
Monday, July 8, 1:00 PM

Immediately after the PSA Nature Image of the Year Judging we will start the judging for the PSA Photo Travel Image of the Year with the same Judges we had for nature- Rick Cloran, HonFPSA, HonNEC, GMPSA-Shiv Verma, FPSA, HonNEC and the 3rd judge to be announced.

We expect there will be approximately 350 images from over 200 entrants and over 40 countries. These are images that have won medals in PSA sanctioned Photo Travel exhibitions through the past year all over the world. The images also will come from entrants from all over the world and will be the best Photo travel images in the world for the past year. If you like to travel, come down and check it out. There will be no commentary, only three judges scoring each image from two to five points for a total of six to fifteen points per image. There will be one gold medal winner and several silver medals selected according to scores. This is an invitation only competition. You must have won a medal in a PSA sanctioned International Exhibition to enter. This will be live at the club-NO ZOOM. You do not need to sign up to attend-just come down. You can stay the full time or come for only a portion of the judging.

The images in left side column of this page are last year’s medal winners.

Thanks very much to Pam Lintner, HonNEC who assists me each year with this judging by handling the images for the judging.

Any questions email me
Susan Mosser, HonPSA, HonNEC Coordinator