"Holiday Party-Yankee Swap-FUN NIGHT"
by Chris Germain, Barbara Rozavsky, John McGrath, Dottie Beaudoin, Susan Mosser-Coordinators
Monday, December 16, 7:00 PMJoin us for our Holiday Party which will again be at the club this year and not at a fancy restaurant. We have upgraded the food available from just deserts to canapés and such- we will not be having a full meal, but will have lots of shrimp, Teriyaki chicken wings from Kitty’s restaurant, and other fancy appetizers along with deserts. If you would like, please bring a small amount of desert or appetizer to share with fellow members.
Again this year, instead of member images to share our main fun for the night will be the gathering, visiting, laughs and the famous Yankee Swap - Swap will start about 8:15pm after the free Christmas Raffle-Cost of swap item 20 dollars or so. This is a fun thing to do, you select a number, then when your number comes up you select a gift bag someone has brought and open it- it you don’t care for the item you get to swap and take something that someone has opened prior to your number being called. You don’t always get to keep it as someone after you may come and take it from you swapping their gift. It’s a lot of fun and you need to pay attention to where people are with the gifts. You still have time to go and get a swap gift if you haven’t already. Wine, scratch tickets, gift cards anything someone might enjoy. Please see Barbara Rozavsky, HonNEC who will be in charge of the swap antics for the night for your swap number. We will also have a free raffle for door prizes as we normally do - everyone gets a ticket, but will have a few higher priced items such as gift cards. Be sure to join us for some good fun, good cheer, good food and libations.
Please come and join in the fun. Again, a lot of work and club cost has gone into this night which really costs you nothing except a Yankee gift or a bit of food to share so it would be nice if it was attended. We use to get 70 people to the restaurant and this is free- Feel free to bring your spouse. Partner etc as you always did at the restaurant. Chris Germain, HonNEC our hostess for the night always does a beautiful job with the food and set up.