"India-A Different World"
by William Barnett, APSA, GMPSA, MNEC-CT
Monday, May 21, 7:30 PMIndia is a country with visual stimulation everywhere-women in their colorful saris; temples; festivals; performances; historical buildings; and so much more. The program will visit cities large and small, study the religions of India’s people, look at ancient archeological sites, attend several fairs, and visit with the people. When our speaker was in India the phrase ‘It’s a different world’ kept rattling around in his head. Bill states- most of you are probably thinking ‘different’ in a negative sense. There are negative aspects of India. But when you look beyond the problems India is a wonderful country to visit, particularly for a photographer. There is visual stimulation everywhere: Bill captured more than 10,000 photographs and video clips during two trips to India and selected about 300 for the show. These were blended with live narration, music, and local sounds to bring a visit to this wonderful country to life.
Our speaker is a frequent lecturer and judge for camera clubs throughout New England. He is a member of PSA, the New Haven Camera Club, and the Connecticut Association of Photographers and is a vice-president on the NECCC Board in charge of the Interclub Projected Image Competitions. For his work on behalf of the photographic community, Bill has received the distinction of Associate –APSA and for his photographic skills he has received the distinction of ‘GrandMaster’ from PSA -GMPSA, and 'Master Member' by the New England Camera Club Council -MNEC.
In PSA sanctioned exhibitions he holds a 2 Diamond rating in Projected Image-Color, 5th Galaxy in Photo Travel and 5 Star rating in both Nature and Photo Journalism and he has also earned numerous awards in local and international competitions. Bill has written multiple feature articles for the PSA 'Journal' and his work was featured in a 'Distinctive Image' author article. In the last few years he has been pursuing a hybrid approach to his photography where stills, video clips, and sound files are combined to create essays and travel presentations with more production values than is possible using only still photographs. Bill states he likes to combine photography with travel to interesting places.